StudentsAgainstStyrofoamMay 16, 20191 min readPossible SolutionsSome possible solutions to the irresponsible usage and disposal of styrofoam is to impose heavy tariffs, or even flat-out bans, on the...
StudentsAgainstStyrofoamMay 16, 20191 min readCauses of the Styrofoam ProblemThe mass overuse and uncommon recycling of styrofoam packaging (such as washing machine transportation supports, one-use iceboxes, and...
StudentsAgainstStyrofoamMay 16, 20191 min readBanning StyrofoamEnvironment Texas has asked Whataburger to stop using polystyrene cups, but so far their efforts have not yielded any less use of...
StudentsAgainstStyrofoamMay 15, 20191 min readHistory of StyrofoamStryol was invented in Germany in 1839 by Eduard Simon, but was eventually renamed polystyrol then re-renamed polystyrene. The name...
StudentsAgainstStyrofoamMay 15, 20191 min readHealth Hazards“Styrofoam” or polystyrene is classified as a known hazardous substance because it is created using petroleum, which is known to cause...
StudentsAgainstStyrofoamMay 14, 20191 min readThe Future of StyrofoamStyrofoam will not break down for the foreseeable future, meaning that all thrown-out styrofoam that ends up in natural areas will stay...
StudentsAgainstStyrofoamMay 14, 20191 min readDangerous ConsequencesStyrofoam isn't just a problem for the future, it's a problem right now. Each year, 8 Million tons of styrofoam end up in natural bodies...
StudentsAgainstStyrofoamMay 14, 20191 min readOur MissionStudents Against Styrofoam aims to promote usage of more environmentally friendly alternatives to styrofoam products, such as cups and...